
Visit other university campuses in Seoul

Go visit other university campuses in Seoul

  1. Seoul National University (SNU)

  2. Korea University

  3. Yonsei University

  4. Kyunghee University

  5. Sungkyunkwan University 

  6. Hongik University 

  7. Ewha University

While studying at one of these universities you should go visit the campus of these other schools. Many of them are easily accessible by public transportation and are not far from each other. Korea University is a little farther out of the center of Seoul so it takes longer to get to.

Seoul National University (SNU)

This university was founded in 1946 and was South Korea’s first national university. This school holds the title of being the best in South Korea and is a part of the SKY universities. SNU is the only public university in SKY and boosts about 28,000 students enrolled in undergraduate programs. The university is also ranked in the top 50 schools in the world. They have 3 campuses but the main campus is located in the southern area of Seoul, close to the center of the city.

The best way to get to the universities main campus is:

Take line 2 on the subway and get off at one of these 3 stations: Seoul National University Entrance Station, Nakseongdae Station, or Shillim Station.

You can visit the school’s website below:


Korea University

Korea University has been around since 1905 when it was founded by Lee Young-Ik. The university has followed its founder’s vision of educating the younger generations so the country can gain independence as well as grow and prosper for over 100 years. Those who study here are educated to become effective citizens and help the country and world to the best of their abilities. The university has over 30,000 students in its undergraduate programs and is widely known for its law. medicine, engineering, and business administration.  There is also a hospital right next to campus that aids in teaching and training students to become doctors and nurses. As the school is older, it is known for its beautiful architecture that is in the Gothic style from the Middle Ages in Europe. 

Another big aspect of the school is its rivalry with Yonsei University as they fight for the title of being the 2nd best in Seoul. Many websites rank Korea university on top of Yonsei but there is a lot of debate. They are also both private universities so they often play each other in sports. This is a big attraction during the school year as both schools are passionate about the rivalry. Korea University is also one of the main schools in Seoul that international students go to, they offer programs year-round for students to come take classes at the university.  They also have 2 campuses but the main one in Seongbuk-gu right by Bukhansan National Park.

The best way to get to the main campus is:

Take the subway line 6 and get off at Korea University Station or Anam Station. 

You can visit the school’s website below:


Yonsei University 

Yonsei is the third and final University of SKY and was founded in 1885, making it the oldest university in South Korea. Like many campuses in South Korea, it is known to have a scenic campus located in the heart of Seoul. It is also known as one of the most scenic campuses around the world. As discussed above with Korea University, the school is known for the rivalry as they are both private schools. This has been going on since the beginning of the 1900s and is a big part of the college experience at this school. They are also known for their international student’s programs, offering both summer and winter programs on top of the semester abroad experience. As this school is the oldest in South Korea, the campus is a good place to go wander around and look at buildings. There are over 30,000 undergraduate students at this university making this school seem like a public university in the United States. If you get the chance you should visit the campus and learn more about its history.

The best way to get to the main campus is:

Take line 2 on the subway and get off at Sinchon Station. The best exits to take are exit 2 and 3.

You can visit the school’s website below:


Kyunghee University

This is one of the most beautiful campuses in Korea and is a place you should visit. While it is not as known as the SKY universities, it is very highly ranked in universities in Korea. Khyunghee is also a private university that holds over 30,000 undergraduate students every year. While the university was only founded in 1949, it is well known for its College of Korean Medicine. The school also offers classes in English like the SKY universities and is a popular university for international students to come to for either their undergraduate or graduate degrees. As they are known for their beautiful campus, you should come to walk around the university grounds at least once.  Even if you do not like nature, you should come here as its beauty is unrivaled by anything in the United States.

The best way to get to the main campus is:

Take subway line 1 and get off at Hogei Station and go out exit 1. Then take the minibus to the entrance of the university.

You can visit the school’s website below:


Sungkyunkwan University 

Another beautiful private school in Seoul is Sungkyunkwan University. The school can trace its origins to 1398 when the historical Sungkyunwan was founded. Even though it was founded back then, the current day university came about around 1895 and grew from there. The school has grown its name over the century and is well known for its research. This is considered a prestigious university like all the universities listed here and it is a beautiful campus to go see. They also are known for their partnership with Samsung as well as its summer and winter programs for international students. This is known as one of the most scenic campuses in Seoul and is a place you should visit.

The best way to get to the main campus is:

Take subway line 4 and get off at Hyehwa Station. Here you go out exit 4 and walk 10 minutes to the university.

You can visit the school’s website below:


Hongik University 

Hongik is best known for its architecture and art bachelor’s degree programs. They have a rivalry with Seoul National University as to which offers a better program for those degrees. The university was founded in 1946 and is located in Hongdae. The location would make you wonder how the campus is known for its beauty as the school is also very small. Well, the university is more of an urban campus as it is surrounded by lots of buildings and doesn’t have the sprawling areas of nature other schools have.  They do have the museum of art here but otherwise, this campus is mostly known for the sculptures and being close to Hongdae. If you are interested in art this is somewhere you should visit.

The best way to get to the main campus is:

Take subway line 2 to Hongik University Station and go out exit 9. Then you will have to walk through the shopping area and go up a hill to get to the entrance. It can be confusing.

You can visit the school’s website below:


Ewha University 

The last university you should visit is Ewha University, this is known as the first women’s university in Korea. Yes, sorry guys, you cannot attend this school, but you can still visit. The school is known as a tourist area as the area surrounding the school is a popular shopping destination. You can also find the EWU Tteokbokki here and it is something you should try. While the shopping district does have more stores for women, there are plenty of shops for men too. If you want to get a picture at Korea’s first underground campus building this is the spot to come. Many people come here for pictures as well as to walk around the garden of the university. 

The best way to get to the main campus is:

Take subway line 2 to Ewha University Station and go out exit 2 or 3. You will then walk to the entrance of the university. 

You can visit the school’s website below:


By Marissa Owens, Intern Editor

Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, USA


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