
Top 10 Ways to Learn Korean

  1. Talk to Me in Korean

  2. 90 Day Korean

  3. Stay updated on things happening in Korea

  4. Korean language program of Sogang University 

  5. Classes with a Teacher

  6. Ewha Intensive Korean Language Program

  7. Flashcards

  8. Yonsei Korean language program 

  9. Find a Language Partner

  10. Post-its/Stickers

1. Talk to me in Korean

 This is an amazing website for those who want to learn Korean on a budget. They have free files that you can print out and learn from. They also have podcasts that you can follow with the files. If you can afford to spend more, you can buy their textbooks as well as their premium membership that offers things like exclusive podcasts, certificates for finishing each level, and much more. 

 They have different interactive podcasts that you can find on their website that are also on Spotify and other streaming sites. They are mostly in English but some of their textbooks can come in other languages. For those interested in their textbooks, they have different levels of books, beginners will start with books 1-3 and so on. They also have helpful books for learning verbs, learning Hangul, practicing reading Korean as well as Korean words you need if you are traveling in Korea.

 This website is highly recommended and is something that can help you learn Korean if your school doesn’t offer it.


Basic: Free

Premium: $12.99/month

Textbooks: start at $18


2. 90 Day Korean

 This is another highly recommended website for those learning on your own. They offer different lessons on Hangul, Speaking Korean and much more. There are also videos that you can interact with to practice speaking Korean. Like TalkToMeInKorean, you can download their lessons. 

 Something cool about this website is that there is a web course you can take to help learn Korean. There are 2 levels but both do cost money. The higher level includes a personal coach as well as homework grading. This is good for those who want to be held accountable for their work.

 Some things on the website are more geared towards those who have been learning Korean and are intermediate learners but there are things for those who are beginners as well.


Basic: Free

Web Courses:

Standard: $35/month

VIP: $47/ month


3. Stay updated on things happening in Korea

 One way you can practice your knowledge of the Korean language is to watch things like Korean news, Korean movies, or Korean dramas. You can also watch them with or without subtitles to test yourself. Being able to do this means you are working on your ability to listen and understand the language as someone is speaking to you. But please know there are no subtitles in real life, you cannot rely on them forever. Another thing you can do is read articles written in Korean. This will help a lot with your ability to read Korean and digest it, which is important if you have a class in Korean. 

Cost: The beauty of this is that it can cost you as little as $0, you can find different articles and videos in Korean for free on the internet. Some tv shows you may have to pay for but that also depends on what streaming service you use.

4. Korean language program of Sogang University 

 For those who want to study the Korean language in South Korea, Sogang University has a variety of programs you can choose from. They have programs that are for 10 weeks but focus on different things like one for general Korean, one professional for people like foreign diplomats as well as an advanced course. You can also do a short summer course through school as well. They have levels for people who are just beginning to learn Korean and more advanced levels for those who have been studying for a while.

Cost: The cost will depend on which program you do. For the 10 week programs, they tend to cost around 1,770,00 KRW per semester.

To learn more about their programs take a look at the website linked below:


5. Classes with a teacher

 There is no better way to learn Korean than in a class with a teacher. Many people will argue this but it is true. Having a class keeps you accountable as well as keeps you on a schedule. You will have homework to do as well as someone you can ask for help when learning. Many universities do not offer Korean as a language but if yours does, taking one of those classes will help you a lot. If your school does not offer it there are many online classes you can take. 

 There are so many different programs you can take online to help you learn Korean. Some native Korean speakers offer classes you can take. You may have to search around different websites to find a teacher right for you, but there are many to choose from. Do know this is going to cost more than some websites which offer their things for free. You will have to pay for the class as most are one on one. You can find big classes online but they are hard to find. 

Example website: https://www.italki.com/teachers/korean

Cost: Hourly costs around $10-$15

6. Ewha Intensive Korean Language Program

Another well known Korean language program is Ewha’s 10-week Intensive program

that is run year-round. They also offer a short term course, however, that is not as popular among international students. With the intensive program, you study and practice Korean with around 15 other students. The class sizes are small but it helps with hands-on learning. They have levels 1-6 which increases in difficulty as you progress through the program. You will only do one level per 10 weeks but then you would come back and do the next level if you can. There is a proficiency test when you apply so you also will get placed at the right level for you.

Cost: The intensive program costs 1,720,000 KRW per semester but you also pay around 50,000 KRW for textbooks for the course.

If you want to learn more, check out their website:


7. Flashcards

 One of the best ways to learn a language is repetition. Having flashcards of words you are learning is very helpful. Having these cards allow you to practice different words as you are trying to learn them. You can also make flashcards online which means you can take them everywhere. Writing the cards out on paper cards also helps you learn as it is shown you learn more from physically writing words then typing them.

 You can also separate the stacks into cards that you are confident about, ones you kind of know, and then ones you need a lot more practice on. This is a great way to know what you know and what you need to work on. Separation also allows you to focus on the words you need more practice on.

 Flashcards can also be made for verbs and grammar as well as Hangul when you first start learning. This can allow you to make sure you are learning every part of the Korean Language. You can also split up your time learning with flashcards by doing each type of card for a certain amount of time.


If making your own: anywhere from $0 to $1 for cards

If buying premade: anywhere from $10 to $20

8. Yonsei Korean language program 

 Yonsei is a well-known university among international students due to its being in the top 3 schools in Korea but did you know that they have a  wide variety of Korean language programs? Like Ewha and Sogang they offer 10-week programs and summer programs but on top of that, they offer a program that is for students who plan on enrolling in a Korean university for more than a semester. This is a 6 level course that will help get you up to speaking and understanding Korean at a college level. Yes, it will take around 1.5 years to complete but it is highly recommended by students. 

Cost: This program is 1,880,00 KRW per semester.

If you want to learn more about their programs, check out their website:


9. Finding a language partner

 There are two possible types of language partners.The first is what you find on Hello Talk and you hold conversations together. The next is having someone else who is also learning Korean and you can hold each other accountable. You can also teach each other things you are struggling with as it has been shown that teaching someone something helps you understand it better. This is also good since you have someone who is in the same spot as you and if you are having trouble staying motivated, you have someone who will keep you accountable.

Cost: Varies but honestly should not cost anything unless you meet up at a cafe or something.

10. Post-it notes/ stickers

 Another pretty cool way to help you with your progression in the Korean language is to have post-it notes or stickers on different things in your house that have the Korean word for it on them. These can easily be removed but can also help you with studying the vocabulary of daily items like a mirror or a closet.This can also be done for your school supplies and your car if you own one. This not only helps you with your memorization of words, but it also gives you more chances to look at each word.

Cost: Depending on how fancy they are, they can cost from $1 to $5.

 There are so many different ways to learn Korean and everyone learns at different speeds. Do not be too hard on yourself, Korean is a hard language to learn and it will take some time. Make sure to celebrate any milestone you make in your Korean proficiency and keep learning! It will pay off one day so never give up!

By Marissa Owens, Intern Editor

Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, USA


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