
Beat the Summer South Korea Style

 We all are mostly familiar with the tropical humid weather in summer. Every country has got their unique way to fight it, and so do South Korea.

 I hate summer. I always have been. I know this has nothing to do with the blog, hah, I just HATE this season in capitals.
So much that I don't usually even have the strength to try any hacks or whatsoever.

 But, not everyone is lazy like me, especially the elders. Whichever part of the world you see, they always have solutions to everything, may be because they spent more time with nature than us.

Ok enough of my rants, lets get straight to the list of hacks, shall we?

석빙고(Stone bingo)-A warehouse for storing ice

At first, only a few upper-class people used to use it, but later, a stone bingo operated by the general public came into notice, and the use became common.

Source: sungmocfan

이열치열(Fight fire with fire) - Summer health food

Source: Naver blog

They tried to overcome the heat by eating foods such as cold naengmyeon, sugary red watermelon flesh, cold vegetables in ice, and cold bean noodles and tried to overcome the heat by eating hot food.

삼베(Natural hemp) and 모시(linen) - Summer clothing

Source: Naver blog

All produced in nature are used as fabric materials .These are used to overcome the summer heat. It facilitates purified air and prevents the body temperature from rising.

한옥(House structure)-The floor of the hanok

Source: Naver blog

Usually it is installed higher than the floor, so ventilation is smooth, and the overall humidity is controlled, and the eaves(처마) of the roof are designed to block the sun in the midsummer.

죽부인(Bamboo Lady)-A bedding made of split bamboo

Source: Naver blog

It was used to cool off the heat by allowing the wind to pass through and feeling cold when sleeping on a hot night.

Which of them would you want to use?