
Price Information about 42SHARE

Price Information about 42SHARE

1. Monthly fee

Contract based on 3 months,
Share type: 750,000 won per month / Studio type: 900,000 won per month

But, if you want a short-term contract, price is more expensive than normal price.

For example
Contract based on 1 month,
Share type: 1,050,000 won per month / Studio type: 1,250,000 won per month

Contract based in 4 months,
Share type: 950,000 won per month / Studio type: 1,100,000 won per month

* 3 months, 6 months are normal rates all

2. Service fee

1) Standard: 
Share type: 750,000 won per month / Studio type: 900,000 won per month

We offer
- Clean the room before move-in
- Share fruits on some events days

2) Premium: 
Share type: 950,000 won per month / Studio type: 1,200,000 won per month

We offer
- Clean the room once a week
- Take fruits once a month
- Take a Daebakbox which includes Korean cosmetics, snacks and goods once a season
- Membership to use a gym near 42SHARE