
Daily Seoul_Christmas Gift

Wow! We got a Christmas gift!
What a delicious Jeju tangerine!
Thank you soooo much

우와! 사이공감에 크리스마스 선물이 도착했어요!
아주아주 맛있는 제주감귤!
잘 먹겠습니다 :-)


Seoul International Residence 42SHARE is the best off-campus ‪‎dormitory‬ near ‪‎Sogang‬ ‪‎Yonsei‬ ‪‎Ewha‬‬ ‪‎University‬. we're trying to fill up a deficiency in On-campus dormitories like Gonzaga(Sogang), International House(Yonsei/Ewha). If you find an ‎apartment or places to rent in ‎sinchon hongdae itaewon seoul ‎south korea for ‎exchange, Korean ‎language course, internship, ‎travel or ‎longstay, Here 42SHARE is!

More information for Seoul International Residence 42SHARE ⇒ CLICK HERE

위치: 대한민국 서울특별시 마포구 신수동 60

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